Male Breast Reduction/Gynecomastia

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Enlarged male breasts are also known as Gynaecomastia meaning female-like breasts of normal males. Gynaecomastia is characterized by excess localized fat and/or excess glandular tissue development. It may present unilaterally or bilaterally but more common is bilateral. It is also known as “Male Boobs” which causes a man’s chest to look like the breasts of a female with the swelled-up skin cells of that region. It is mostly seen in teenage boys and older men. Hence the treatment for male breast reduction or Gynaecomastia surgery helps in getting rid of it.


The type of procedure selected for you will depend upon the size of the breasts. Simple liposuction along with gland removal is suited for small and medium-sized gynecomastia where there is no loose skin. If there is extra loose skin, then additional techniques to remove the excess skin will be required.

Gynecomastia Treatment in Jaipur may be done under local anesthetic at the doctor's clinic if it is a small or medium grade of enlargement. Under local anesthesia, only the area to be operated upon is anesthetized. You will be awake the whole time, but you will have no pain. You will go back home the same day. For large gynecomastia, general anesthesia is required. Very small incisions are made through which liposuction cannulas are introduced, and the extra fat is suctioned out. Then a small incision is made at the lower border of the nipple-areola complex. The extra gland is dissected out and permanently removed. Since the incision lies at the junction of normal chest skin and the areola, it is not perceptible after final healing. Absorbable Sutures are placed inside the skin which does not require removal.

Benefits of Gynecomastia Surgery ( Male Breast Reduction )

Gynecomastia surgery, also known as male breast reduction surgery, can offer several benefits for individuals who are bothered by the presence of enlarged breast tissue. Here are some of the potential benefits of gynecomastia surgery:

  •  Improved Appearance
  •  Boost in Self-Esteem
  •  Reduction in Psychological Distress
  •  Enhanced Wardrobe Options
  •  Permanent Results
  •  Improved Physical Comfort
  •  Accelerate recovery
  •  May protect you from breast cancer

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Procedure of Gynecomastia Surgery

  What you need to know before surgery

Once you and your surgeon have decided upon the surgery, a few pre-procedure preparations will be required. You will need to wear a Pressure Garment after the surgery. It helps the skin to contract better and gives tight fitting over the chest. Usually. The pressure garment is worn for the next two to three months.

  What you need to know After surgery

A small dressing is placed over chest for 5 days, and pressure garment is simultaneously applied. You will have to visit clinic for dressing removal after three days. Pressure Garment has to be worn at all times during the first 2 and 3 months. light exercises is advised after 1 week.

Ideal Candidate for Gynecomastia Surgery?

According to Dr. Vikas Gupta, The ideal candidate for gynecomastia treatment is an individual who experiences excessive breast tissue growth in the male chest area (gynecomastia) and is bothered by its appearance. Gynecomastia can be caused by various factors, including hormonal imbalances, certain medications, obesity, and genetics. The condition can lead to physical discomfort, emotional distress, and self-esteem issues in affected individuals.

The ideal candidate for gynecomastia treatment in Jaipur should meet the following criteria:

  • The candidate should have a confirmed diagnosis of gynecomastia, which is typically done through a physical examination by a qualified medical professional and, if necessary, imaging tests like ultrasound or mammography.
  • As with many surgical procedures, being a non-smoker is beneficial for successful outcomes and a reduced risk of complications.
  • The candidate should be in generally good health and free from any serious medical conditions that could pose a risk during surgery or the recovery process.
  • Gynecomastia treatment candidates should have realistic expectations about the procedure's outcome and have a positive outlook on the potential benefits
  • For adolescents, it is often recommended to wait until the condition stabilizes (usually around 18 years old) before considering surgery, as gynecomastia can resolve on its own during puberty. In some cases, observation and non-surgical treatments may be preferred for younger patients.
  • For candidates who are overweight or obese, losing weight through diet and exercise may be recommended as the first step, as significant weight loss can sometimes reduce the size of the breasts.
  • Accelerate recovery
  • May protect you from breast cancer

Treatment options for gynecomastia may include liposuction to remove excess fat and/or surgical excision to remove glandular breast tissue. In some cases, a combination of these techniques may be used to achieve the best results.

Gynecomastia Surgery Cost In Jaipur

The cost of gynecomastia surgery generally depends on the surgeon and hospital chosen for treatment, along with many other factors. It's important for individuals considering gynecomastia surgery in Jaipur to consult with qualified plastic surgeons or gynecomastia specialists for a personalized assessment and cost estimate.

It's essential for individuals considering gynecomastia treatment in Jaipur to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon or a qualified medical professional specializing in gynecomastia to discuss their specific case, explore available treatment options, and determine if they are an ideal candidate for the procedure.

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Gynecomastia surgery, also known as male breast reduction surgery, is a procedure designed to reduce and reshape excess breast tissue in men. It aims to create a flatter and more masculine chest contour.

Gynecomastia can be caused by hormonal imbalances, certain medications, obesity, genetics, or underlying medical conditions. Identifying the underlying cause is essential for determining the most appropriate treatment approach.

Gynecomastia surgery is generally safe when performed by a qualified and experienced surgeon. As with any surgical procedure, there are risks and potential complications, which should be discussed with your surgeon during the consultation.

Recovery times can vary, but most individuals can expect to return to normal activities within a few weeks. Strenuous activities and heavy lifting may need to be avoided for a longer period as advised by the surgeon.

It's essential to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon or a specialist in gynecomastia treatment. Patients can seek recommendations from their primary care physician, research online, and read reviews from previous patients.