Eye Brow Lift

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An eyebrow lift, also known as a brow lift or forehead lift, is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to raise and reshape the eyebrows and forehead. This procedure is typically performed to address signs of aging in the upper face, such as sagging eyebrows, forehead wrinkles, and frown lines. It can also help improve the overall appearance of the eyes and create a more youthful and refreshed look.

Brow lift surgery is an outpatient procedure, performed using general anesthesia or intravenous sedation with local anesthesia. The duration of surgery depends on the type of brow lift as well as whether or not another procedure is being performed at the same time. Your incisions may be closed with sutures or staples, which are typically removed about 1 week after surgery.

Benefits of a Eye Brow Lift

Eyebrow lift surgery have several benefits, primarily related to improving the appearance of the upper face. The specific advantages of this cosmetic procedure include:

  •   Youthful Appearance.
  •   Reduction of Wrinkles and Lines.
  •   Improved Facial Symmetry.
  •   Enhanced Eye Appearance.
  •   Boost in Self-Confidence.
  •   Long-Lasting Results.
  •   Minimally Invasive Options.

Eyebrow Lift Surgery

Patients typically experience very little pain after a brow lift, but it is common to feel slight discomfort as well as a sensation of tightness throughout the forehead. Swelling and bruising are most common during the first 10 days or so after surgery, and are mostly resolved after about 2 weeks.

  •   Day of surgery: walking around the house in encouraged.
  •   1 to 2 days after surgery: showering is permitted; be gentle around your incision sites.
  •   1 week after surgery: return to a sedentary job; some patients are able to return to work earlier. You may tire more easily, so consider a limited work schedule initially. If you are concerned about visible bruising, your cosmetic surgeon can recommend options for camouflage makeup.
  •   1 to 2 weeks after surgery: resume driving, as long as you have full mobility and are no longer taking prescription pain medication.
  •   2 to 4 weeks after surgery: gradually resume exercise; your cosmetic surgeon will provide guidance for which activities are allowed.

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You might consider an eyebrow lift if you have sagging or drooping eyebrows, forehead wrinkles, or frown lines that make you appear older or give you a tired or angry expression.

Eyebrow lift surgery can be performed using different techniques, including the traditional (open) method, endoscopic method, and non-surgical alternatives like Btx or dermal fillers.

Recovery time varies, but most people can return to work and normal activities within 7-10 days. Complete recovery may take a few weeks to a few months, depending on the technique used.

A skilled surgeon will aim for natural-looking results, ensuring your eyebrows appear more youthful without an overly "pulled" or unnatural appearance.

Yes, eyebrow lifts can be combined with other facial procedures, such as eyelid surgery, facelifts, or non-surgical treatments like Btx and dermal fillers.